What are pricing strategies in marketing?

Pricing Strategies in Marketing

This article explains in detail with examples how, when, and why businesses employ different pricing strategies as part of their marketing mix to meet their business objectives.

How to use Canva for Business Content Creation?

How to use Canva for business?

This Article Explains The Graphic Designing Software Canva With Its Main Features. It also elaborates on how this easy-to-use designing software can benefit businesses of all sizes, especially smaller ones!

Is MBA Worth It?

Is MBA degree worth it?

This article answers the question – Is MBA worth it? It also critically analyse different aspects involved in choosing an MBA course and explains potential career prospects post an MBA degree.

What makes a valid contract legal? – A Comprehensive Guide!

What makes a valid contract in law?

This article comprehensively discusses the elements of valid contracts that make them tenable and legally enforceable in a court of law. It pays particular attention to contract law’s essentials, such as an offer, an acceptance, and considerations.

What is marketing in a business?

What is marketing in business?

“This article explains What is marketing in a business? It also talks about the fundamental concepts of marketing and how they shape and facilitate business growth.”

What are keywords in SEO?

This post talks about keywords

“In this article, the types, purpose, and merits of different kinds of keywords and their bearing on searchability as well as readability of digital content are explained! It also teaches how to find the rankable keywords using various tools.”